This software is a Gujarati typing cum editor tool which makes it very easy to type the Gujarati language for those users who don't know Gujarati Keyboard layout. The real strength of this software lies in its fast speed and accurate English to Gujarati conversion. You don't need this app if you use English only.This English to Gujarati typing tool is a free software which allows you to type phonetically similar Gujarati word and lets you select from a list of the drop-down menu. Note:- This Application is only for those who wants to see Gujarati Font in Android Smartphones that do not support Gujarati Text. These apps may show boxes but don't worry, your recipient should able to see it. Once you see fonts in Gujarati, you can send the messages via other apps.

Therefore, we have developed this Application to overcome this Problem. Due to this, users cannot see the Gujarati Messages in their Phone and they face lots of difficulty. In many Smartphones, Gujarati Font is not supported. It's extremely easy to use this Application. You can save the Message that you liked to view or share it later with your friends You can share the message anywhere from the same screen Just copy the Text Message and View it in Gujarati Language instantly. You don't even need a switch to other screen or install any particular Gujarati Language Font in your Smartphone that's how user friendly the Application is.

You will be able to see the message instantly in the same screen. Just copy the text Message that you cannot Read and that's it. ? Copy the Font that you want to Read in Gujarati. ? Install the Application and open it once. How to see Gujarati Text in just 3 Steps:. Are you facing difficulty in reading Gujarati Font in your Android Phone? Than don't you worry because with the help of View in Gujarati Application, you will be able to read all the Gujarati Messages in your Smartphone without any hard work and that too instantly.